Tuesday, April 12, 2022

BDS Supporters Want to Bring Anti-Jewish Terrorism to America

Authorities are investigating a subway attack involving smoke grenades and a hail of bullets in New York City--the city with, by far, the largest Jewish population in the world. This attack has many earmarks of a terrorist operation, but in the current media climate such attacks are usually only labeled "terrorist" if the attacker is of the "correct" ethnicity and/or if the victims are of the "correct" ethnicity. It must be mentioned that American antisemites hope to bring anti-Jewish terrorism to America; it is not sufficient for supporters of BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions--only directed at Israel, because self-proclaimed "progressives" falsely insist that Israel is the world's only "apartheid state") to slander Israel, and to give aid and comfort to Arab/Islamic terrorists who kill Jews, but BDS supporters are publicly calling for the "intifada" to be globalized:

Amid the ongoing terror wave that has killed nearly a dozen Israelis in the past week, a pro-BDS group in New York City held a rally in front of the offices of the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) on Wednesday urging to "globalize the intifada."

During the event, the leader of the group Nerdeen Kiswani, who heads the group Within Our Lifetime (WOL), led the chant ­"from New York to Palestine, globalize the intifada," in what can be perceived as a call to conduct acts of terror against Israelis or Jews in other places around the world.

Attendees there chanted: "There is only one solution, intifada revolution" and "whose streets? Our streets!"

If American politicians, media members, and voters continue to be blind, deaf, and dumb about Arab/Islamic terrorism against Jews, the BDS supporters may indeed get their wish that such killings take place as regularly in America as they do now in Israel.  

It is fascinating to observe (1) which stories mainstream media outlets cover, (2) how stories are covered, and (3) which stories mainstream media outlets choose not to cover


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