Thursday, April 14, 2022

Your Tax Dollars at Work: USAID Contractor Repeatedly Celebrates Terrorist Attacks Against Jews

Do you wonder how your tax dollars--specifically the tax dollars allocated for foreign aid projects--are spent? Wonder no more. Here are some social media posts made by an employee for Proximity International—a prime contractor for USAID (U.S. Agency for International Development) that provides funds for several projects that receive U.S. aid dollars:

1) In reference to the April 7, 2022 terrorist attack that killed three Israelis, Rawan Abu-Salieh tweeted, "The news is sweeter than a tray of knafeh [dessert] after iftar."

2) Two weeks ago, Abu Salieh praised a March 29 terrorist attack in Israel, commenting, "shoot and don't have mercy" and describing the terrorist as a "heroic martyr."

3) At least a dozen other social media posts similar to the two cited above were exposed by the Washington Free Beacon before Abu Salieh deleted her Twitter account. The posts date back at least as far as 2015, when she reacted to a terrorist stabbing of an Israeli victim by declaring, "May God not heal you and may our Lord defend the operative."

Abu-Salieh has since been fired, and Proximity International has disavowed her hate-filled social media posts--but those posts were made over a period of several years during which she worked for an organization charged with disseminating U.S. aid. The vetting processes for how aid is distributed, for how employees are hired, and for monitoring the hatred spewed by employees after they are hired all must be improved. 

Bonnie Glick, a former deputy administrator at USAID, explained to the Washington Free Beacon that the vetting process must be more closely scrutinized: "When someone like the woman who has been flagged is working on a variety of different USAID contracts, the onus is on USAID to actively vet. The vetting of key staff should disqualify the contract or grant recipient if they have key personnel who are acting in ways that are anathema to USAID's values."

In 2021, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) criticized USAID for not taking enough action during 2015-19 to ensure that U.S. funds were not provided to terrorist organizations. This is not just about one rogue employee disseminating hatred via social media; this is about a climate and culture that is sympathetic to Arab/Islamic terrorism and hostile to Jews and Israelis.

We have many members of Congress who love the limelight, and who often shout the lie about Israel being an "apartheid state," so the silence of the "Squad" and self-proclaimed "progressives" about real life and death issues--about U.S. tax dollars being used to finance terrorism--is deafening and telling, and is something that we should all remember when we cast our votes (as we should also note well the lunatic fringe spewing hate on the opposite side of the political spectrum). Congress controls the country's purse strings, but we the people control who is in Congress.

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