Thursday, October 19, 2023

Walter E. Block and Alan G. Futerman Explain "The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas"

Walter E. Block and Alan G. Futerman wrote a brilliant op-ed titled The Moral Duty to Destroy Hamas for The Wall Street Journal. The entire article should be read and studied by anyone who wishes to fully understand what Hamas is and why Hamas must be destroyed. Here is a brief excerpt:

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!" chant the useful idiots at elite institutions and parades in the West. Who are these people? Atheists who support theocratic lunatics, democrats who endorse medieval tyrants, feminists who defend misogynists who parade with the desecrated corpses of women, gays who defend maniacs who would joyfully hang them or toss them off the roof of a tall building. They talk of a secular, democratic and socialist Palestine. As George Orwell observed: "One has to belong to the intelligentsia to believe things like that: no ordinary man could be such a fool." But the world has now seen what "from the river to the sea" actually means. It is nothing less than a remake of the Nazi Einsatzgruppen.

Israel expelled its own population from Gaza in 2005 so that Palestinian Arabs could begin building their own state. They instead chose Hamas. The enemies of Israel aren't in favor of a Palestinian state. They aren't in favor of anything positive, but only of a negative: the denial of life, especially of Jewish life. The goal is genocide. The method is mass murder of the type Jews haven't experienced since the Holocaust.

Hence, the West needs to understand that to defend human life and dignity, it isn't enough to claim to side with Israel. It needs to understand what this means: total, unrestrictive support. That is nothing less than allowing this beleaguered country to defend itself fully. To recognize that Hamas needs to be destroyed for the same reason and by the same method that the Nazis were. Israel is entitled to do whatever it takes to uproot this evil residing next to it. And, more important, that once it begins to proceed in that direction, it won't be demonized for defending that which is the core of Western civilization and which its enemies hate the most: the love of everyone's right to human life, dignity and happiness.

In other words, it needs to support a complete, total and decisive Israeli victory. If this implies an overwhelming, unprecedented use of military force, so be it. Hamas is and will be responsible for any civilian casualties. Cause and effect. They created their own destruction, and its consequences.

People sometimes ask how a superficially cultured nation like Germany so readily accepted Nazism, but we are witnessing the answer to that question right now across the United States as we see how many of our supposedly best and brightest college students are, as Block and Guterman correctly termed it, "useful idiots." The inability or unwillingness of superficially intelligent people to understand the distinction between good and evil, and the enthusiasm to blame Jews for the world's ills look the same today as they did in Nazi Germany. It is not difficult to picture a Holocaust happening in the United States because we see that many of our so-called elite thinkers would enthusiastically cheer such an atrocity, which also means that--given sufficient power and opportunity--they would take the necessary steps to create a Holocaust. 

Block and Guterman noted the absurdity of "Atheists who support theocratic lunatics, democrats who endorse medieval tyrants, feminists who defend misogynists who parade with the desecrated corpses of women, gays who defend maniacs who would joyfully hang them or toss them off the roof of a tall building. They talk of a secular, democratic and socialist Palestine." 

The depraved thinking described so vividly by Block and Guterman is no different than the mindset of Germans who agreed with Adolf Hitler that "the Jews are our misfortune."

It should not be difficult to understand that Leftist antisemitism, Islamist antisemitism, and Nazi antisemitism are equally abhorrent, but the Leftist-dominated media consistently minimize or excuse Leftist antisemitism and Islamist antisemitism. It is breathtaking to observe how quickly Leftist media outlets and Leftist members of Congress immediately accepted at face value Hamas' lie that Israel destroyed a Gaza hospital that (1) was not destroyed and (2) was hit by a rocket launched by Islamic terrorists. No one should be surprised by the extent to which Germans accepted the antisemitic tropes in Der Sturmer, because we are seeing right now in real time how eager so many people are to believe (1) Jewish victims of Hamas' terror attacks deserved to die because (2) Israel should be perceived as an illegitimate state that is committing apartheid and genocide.

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